I'll follow up here instead of your other thread, please do not cross post different questions over multiple threads.
Looks like you changed my example workflow from this very thread in a way that it cannot work anymore. Why would you insert 2 different watchfolders, one for m2v and one for wav - this will just end up in multiple jobs, all of them not knowing what to do?
The Workflow editor has several flaws. This issue and hopefully most (or all?) other editor issues has been properly addressed in the next version of FFAStrans.
Guys do you know how i can use the populate variable or the conditional to check if the name of a files contains certain characters
be able to say if Video_test_P2High, contains the value _P2High
I know i can select everything before the P"High from the previous help you have given, but is there a way for me to look for the string _P2High.
refer back to previous naming convention, name_somename_moreName_P2High
or name_somename_morename_High - don't need t do it for this one as i'm using the regext code provided before $regext("%s_original_name%","(.+)_High") to get the name cut and name the final file this.
but if my watch folder contains files with the P2High on it, the final name that i get in the delivey folder is .ext