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No Video or Audio found in file

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:49 am
by graham728

When submitting a large number of files to a watch folder some of the files fall over with the message 'no video or audio found in the file'.

When re-submitting the file when no other jobs are running the file will process successfully. This only appears to happen when the software is encoding or processing 5/6 other jobs.

Other times I will get the 'No timecode found on file' or 'cannot find specified path'. Again this only happens when the software is running numerous other jobs. I have set one of the servers to only run 2 jobs and the other at 5 so they don't overload themselves.

This is a farming environment with 1 server and 1 HP desktop PC.


Re: No Video or Audio found in file

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 9:53 pm
by momocampo
Hello Graham,

Sorry for the late answer. The problem that you describe is often, maybe always, because you need to temporize a little bit your workflow. If you do several encode,move etc in the same time with the same source file, FFastrans works too fast and you will get error.
For eg: monitor->encode H264->move->delete
> encode DNX>
If the file moves or is deleted before the dnx encode is finished, you will get an error.
So, you can insert "hold" nodes in good place to force FFastrans to wait or to temporize in case of several files. You can also do a first encode than a second then a third etc instead of all the encode in the same time. You will lost time but you will not have error.
Hope it helps.

Re: No Video or Audio found in file

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 7:18 am
by emcodem
Hi Graham,
sorry for the delay.

The first thing that obviously cannot work is that you have lots of c:\users\administrator\desktop folders in your workflow. This cannot work in a farm environment, all should be on a shared location that all involved workstations can access.
I am Pretty sure that this is the cause of your Problems with non found files. ("no Audio Video found" means file not found)
