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Command Executor Issue

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 6:37 am
by vijm1972
Hi Steinar,

I am trying to transcode Apple file to audio.mxf, using FFMPEG I am converting it to .wmv format and using bmx2raw I am converting to audio.mxf format. I am able to convert using below commands in command prompt, but when I am trying to implement it into FFAStarns I am getting wav file in work root folder but raw2bmx not working.

FFMPEG: ffmpeg.exe -i -vn -acodec pcm_s24le audio.wav

bmx2raw: raw2bmx.exe -t op1a -o audio.mxf --wave audio.wav

I am using below command in command executor.

%ComSpec% c/ ""D:\FFAStrans0.8.2\Processors\mxf_tools\raw2bmx.exe" -t op1a -o D:\WB_AUDIO\Output\%s_original_name%.mxf --wave "%s_job_work%\%s_job_id%.wav""

Can you please check and let me know if I am missing anything? Also wanted to know if without using raw2bmx, is it possible in FFMPEG to convert to audio.mxf?

I have attached job profile which I have created for your reference.
(1.14 KiB) Downloaded 526 times

Re: Command Executor Issue

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 5:13 pm
by admin
Hi Vijay,

You have three errors (highlighted) in your command:

1. Bad comspec option.
2. Missing quotes in the output file name. This might or might not work depending on the original file name.
3. Invalid source reference.

%ComSpec% c/ ""D:\FFAStrans0.8.2\Processors\mxf_tools\raw2bmx.exe" -t op1a -o D:\WB_AUDIO\Output\%s_original_name%.mxf --wave "%s_job_work%\%s_job_id%.wav""

%ComSpec% /c ""D:\FFAStrans0.8.2\Processors\mxf_tools\raw2bmx.exe" -t op1a -o "D:\WB_AUDIO\Output\%s_original_name%.mxf" --wave "%s_source%""

Please correct and try again.


Re: Command Executor Issue

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:07 am
by vijm1972
Hi Steinar,

Thanks for your help, I am able to process now. I have one more query.

Using above process, conversion is taking more time, so first I have exported the audio to mono wav and then using filter complex command to merge them into stereo and then using raw2bmx to convert to audio.wav to audio.mxf.

I am using below FFMPEG command to convert separate mono_audio.wav streams.

-vn -acodec copy -map 0:1 -y "D:\WB_AUDIO\WAV\%s_original_name%_1.wav" -vn -acodec copy -map 0:2 -y "D:\WB_AUDIO\WAV\%s_original_name%_2.wav" -vn -acodec copy -map 0:3 -y "D:\WB_AUDIO\WAV\%s_original_name%_3.wav" -vn -acodec copy -map 0:4 -y "D:\WB_AUDIO\WAV\%s_original_name%_4.wav" -vn -acodec copy -map 0:5 -y "D:\WB_AUDIO\WAV\%s_original_name%_5.wav" -vn -acodec copy -map 0:6 -y "D:\WB_AUDIO\WAV\%s_original_name%_6.wav" -vn -acodec copy -map 0:7 -y "D:\WB_AUDIO\WAV\%s_original_name%_7.wav" -vn -acodec copy -map 0:8 -y "D:\WB_AUDIO\WAV\%s_original_name%_8.wav"

Wanted to know if it is possible to create output folder with source file name and convert all the mono.wav files to that location? I have attached profile for your reference, kindly check and suggest.
(2.05 KiB) Downloaded 498 times

Re: Command Executor Issue

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:51 pm
by admin
You can use the "Command executor" node to perform just about any dos operation. F.ex.:
%ComSpec% /c "md "D:\WB_AUDIO\WAV\%s_original_name%""

This will create the folder based on original name. Now, if you trigger this command f.ex. after the "Monitor" or "Encoder" you can just use the same string ("D:\WB_AUDIO\WAV\%s_original_name%") as source and/or destination for your ffmpeg and raw2bmx commands.

For extracting audio you might want to take a look at the new "Audio extration"-encoder node. It does not however support MXF audio creation but I will take a look at that.


Re: Command Executor Issue

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 9:01 am
by vijm1972
Hi Steinar,

I am able to create folders as per the requirements, just one more issue I am facing is while creating Stereo.wav to Stereo.mxf I am getting error "Process exited with error code: 1 (A subdirectory or file already exits)", I am getting all the Stereo.mxf files in that destination folder. As per my understanding I have added command executor node to create destination folder and connected to all the Stereo.wav command executor nodes, due to which I am getting the error. Wanted to know if it is possible remove that error?


Re: Command Executor Issue

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 4:14 pm
by admin
Yes, check the "Omit exit code" option in the "Command executor"-node.


Re: Command Executor Issue

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 9:52 am
by vijm1972
Hi Steinar,

I am trying to use encoder "Audio extractor", using that I am able to extract mono.wav files to FFAStrans work root folder, then using command executor I have to convert them into Stereo.wav. I am using below command.

%s_ffmpegx64% -i "%s_job_work%\%s_original_name%_01.wav" -i "%s_job_work%\%s_original_name%_02.wav" -acodec pcm_s24le -filter_complex "[0:a][1:a]amerge=inputs=2[aout]" -map "[aout]" -y "D:\WB_AUDIO\Output\%s_original_name%\Wav\Stereo\%s_original_name%_1&2.wav"

I am getting error "Job ended with error on Command executor, process exited with error code: 01"

I have also tried with raw2bmx command executor, using below command.

%ComSpec% /c ""%s_ffastrans_dir%\Processors\mxf_tools\raw2bmx.exe" -t op1a -o "D:\WB_AUDIO\Output\%s_original_name%_1&2.mxf" --track-map 0-1 --wave "%s_job_work%\%s_original_name%_01.wav" --wave "%s_job_work%\%s_original_name%_02.wav""

I am getting error "Failed to open wav file---for reading", as per my understanding issue in mono.wav file path.

As per error, I have mentioned path "d:\.ffastrans_work_root\20180228115807\20180301-155739-176-1991477EFFB7\1_8track(HIN_MAR_SAN_TAM_GUJ_ORI_TEL_MAL)_01.wav"

But actual file is in "D:\.ffastrans_work_root\20180228115807\20180301-155739-176-1991477EFFB7\~audio~20180301-155833-631-2C70C6EFA13E\1_8track(HIN_MAR_SAN_TAM_GUJ_ORI_TEL_MAL)_01.wav"

I am not able to define path of folder "~audio~20180301-155833-631-2C70C6EFA13E"

Please suggest.


Re: Command Executor Issue

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:56 pm
by admin
Hi Vijay,

Yes I'm aware of this shortoming and it will be addressed in the next release. In the mean time, as a workaround, you could use the "Folder"-delivery node after the "Audio extractor" and deliver the files to a temporary folder that's predictable to you. Audio files are normally small (compared to video) so this extra step should not introduce too much delay.


Re: Command Executor Issue

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 1:33 pm
by vijm1972
Hi Steinar,

Please suggest, if I have source file with 8 mono tracks, is it possible to extract four stereo pairs (Mono Audio Track 1&2 = 1st Stereo Pair, Mono Audio Track 3&4 = 2nd Stereo Pair, Mono Audio Track 5&6 = 3rd Stereo Pair, Mono Audio Track 7&8 = 4th Stereo Pair) using Audio Extraction encoder option? In audio Layout option, I haven't found option to extract 2x2 Stereo streams, but in help you have mentioned the same, Please find below screen shot.
Audio Extraction.JPG
Audio Extraction.JPG (85.55 KiB) Viewed 14793 times

Re: Command Executor Issue

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 12:34 pm
by admin
Thanks for notifying. It will be addressed in the next version.
