| YouTube Processor

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Posts: 204
Joined: Sun Jun 19, 2016 6:36 pm | YouTube Processor

Post by taner »

Hi Admin Team,

I've experienced some kind of shortcoming.
I tried to download a video by using YouTube processor.
After starting the watchfolder/submitting the lnk-file the status monitor showed only "Extracting Metadata".
I left it for about half an hour.
Tried it several times.
But the file was not downloaded.
I tried to download the file by using youtube-dl.exe and command line.
Before that I installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1 because it was required.
In the beginning download of the youtube-file didn't work.
I had to set the url in double quotes.
Then it worked.

This is the url:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGh6ONU ... g&index=10


EDIT: tried it again via command line. Didn't need to use double quotes for the url. Sorry for misleading.
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Re: | YouTube Processor

Post by emcodem »

Interim analysis report:
The problem seems to be a bug in youtube-dl. When we load the url from file (which ffastrans does)

Code: Select all

"C:\FFAStrans\FFAStrans\processors\FFmpeg\youtube-dl.exe" -4 -s -j -a c:\temp\yt.txt
It will potentially forever outut the json information, thus filling the harddrive of the user at some time hehe...

When we load the url from commandline instead of from a file:

Code: Select all

"C:\FFAStrans\FFAStrans\processors\FFmpeg\youtube-dl.exe" -4 -s -j https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGh6ONUhyec&list=UUD-4g5w1h8xQpLaNS_ghU4g&index=10
Then we get the expected result: a json and a short-running process...
emcodem, wrapping since 2009 you got the rhyme?
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Re: | YouTube Processor

Post by emcodem »

Opened a corresponding issue, i guess this should be resolved pretty quick
emcodem, wrapping since 2009 you got the rhyme?
Posts: 204
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Re: | YouTube Processor

Post by taner »


As far as I can see within the case at github it is mentioned that it won‘t run forever but ‚only’ as long as youtube-dl needs to „...browse all pages of this 2378 videos playlist“.
I‘m not quite familiar with the mechanisms of youtube-dl but it seems to me that i should have just wait a very long time?
Who the f*** creates a playlist with 2378 videos?

And why does youtube-dl needs to verify or somerhing else in order to download just the ‚main‘ file?

I know i should read the documentation or forward these questions to youtube-dl
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Re: | YouTube Processor

Post by emcodem »

haha ok, i guess we will need to take a deep look into the youtout-dl manuals to get out whats the issue. Anyway it seems to be "by design" regarding to our case here so it implies that we are really doing something wrong. I have to admit that i openen this case on github too fast :shock:
emcodem, wrapping since 2009 you got the rhyme?
Posts: 204
Joined: Sun Jun 19, 2016 6:36 pm

Re: | YouTube Processor

Post by taner »

Thanks emcodem!

By the way: my anger was not related to you at all but to the person who thinks it is a good idea to create a vast playlist.

Never had this kind of download issue so far.
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