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Re: Put files in episode folders based on date range

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 10:10 pm
by Chewielewis
This is my current workflow.


Just a few dropboxes. Seems to work fine. The Avisynth node is for QTreference files but i've found that its much faster just to export SAS from Avid.

Re: Put files in episode folders based on date range

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 12:27 am
by emcodem
Mr Chewielewis, how come you tend to be so short on providing information?

Thanks for your workflow, but thats unfortunately not enough to come up with another good guess for you.
My question was about how many different series could need to be handled, because if it was just like 10 or so, you could just add one "monitor" followed by a "set start date" populate processor for each series. Otherwise you might want to come up with some table (which might be already in your excel) that allows to set the date of first episode and map it to a part of the input filename or some metadata. all depends on what informations are available on input....

Re: Put files in episode folders based on date range

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 12:31 am
by Chewielewis
Sorry i was a bit confused about your question. The solution provided for me does the trick. This workflow ive posted shows the extent of what I'm trying to do and It seems to work fine. Im putting all the dropboxes feeding into the command and variable nodes then using conditionals to split them into their appropriate outputs rather than duplicating the nodes. This way I can easily change the number scheme if i need to. Just wondering if this layout is best or if there is a better way of calling that command.

Re: Put files in episode folders based on date range

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 8:39 am
by emcodem
Ah, ok, i thought you were searching for a way to automatically find the correct date of first episode.
To be honest your workflow looks pretty sophisticated, it looks like you know what you are doing and have a very good feeling about how to use our automation engine here.
The only thing that comes to my mind is that after each conditional on the right, you could add one "populate variables" on the right side, set it's input connection to "on error" and fill the variable %s_success% with a message like "nothing to do" or so. THen connect all conditionals on the right to this populate proc. This causes the Job Monitor to show "nothing to do" in the outcome message for the branches that didnt do anything.

To make changing the start date easy, you could create a static variable like "date of first episode" and change it in the variable editors gui when you need it instead of changing the code of the commandline processor.
To find out the start date automatically, you could come up with a text list that contains one line per show with watchfolder and start date, e.g.

Code: Select all

\\server\share\Simpons\ <date>01/01/2020</date>
\\server\share\ALF\ <date>01/01/2019</date>
then use a populate processor to set the start date variable by using $read on that config file and $regext the watchfolder along with it's date like

Code: Select all

Probably you would need to first parse the "last directory like Simpsons out of the original dir in order to make everything regex safe

There are lots of things you can do, it just depends on what you want to do ;-)